VeVe and Gianna meet again!
After seeing their close and hotly contested first match, a sponsor stepped forward to bring VeVe and Gianna back together again -- this time for a much longer match. Now stamina will play a special role in this rivalry!
For this rematch, the ladies will first grapple for 3 rounds (20 minutes) in their jiujitsu uniforms. They will then wrestle for another 3 rounds (20 minutes) in their thong bikinis. All in all, a 40-minute long competitive match. Whew!
Just as intense as their first bout, but now twice as exhausting. With their jiujitsu uniforms on, the ladies pull and grab at each other's lapels, sleeves, and pants, working their grip strength while the wrestle and adding extra resistance to each other's movements. They use a lot of energy holding each other down and breaking free from grips as they work to sweep and submit each other.
When they move on to the bikini rounds, the ladies are clearly fatigued from the previous 20 minutes of fighting, but they push on regardless, continuing to attack and stay aggressive. They are exhausted, slowed down, and breathing heavily, but they keep on working and keep hunting for submissions nonetheless.