These two lean-muscle fitness ladies hit the mats together for a sweaty and dynamic competitive submission wrestling bout! VeVe is pleased to welcome visiting wrestler Ava Simone to the mats. Ava is spirited and powerful, with a very positive personality and an expressive wrestling style. She's been wrestling for almost 2 years, and she's keen for physical challenges. Both VeVe and Ava are energetic competitors, and they are eager to dive in for this 20-minute match together... with, of course, a Punishment Round for the loser.
An athletic match, indeed! Both ladies are aggressive wrestlers who push the pace throughout the entire match. Ava is strong and explosive, and she has a size advantage (25 lbs) over VeVe. But VeVe is tenacious and agile, with a considerable experience and training advantage (10 years). A sweaty clash and shiny bodies, active and expressive competitors working hard. VeVe brings her pinning pressure and submission arsenal to the forefront to meet her powerful guest Ava head-on.
Includes opening comments, two 10-minute rounds of submission wrestling, 5-min Punishment Round. Punishment Round includes: (a lot of sweat) Facesitting, headscissors, Boston Crab, Camel Clutch, belly punching, teasing, and victory pose.