Newcomer Sydney Logan takes a turn against the Rope Queen VeVe Lane in a bondage wrestling welcome to the Doom mat room. Sydney is a cheerful and curvy fetish model with a bubbly, excitable attitude. But for all of her pep and exuberance, Sydney quickly finds herself in way over her head against rope expert VeVe -- it's a bondage squash match!
Sydney comes into the match trying her best, but VeVe jumps on her right away, sinks in the ropes, and binds Sydney's arms before Sydney even knows what's happening. With her arms out of action, Sydney can do little more than squirm, flop, and giggle at her predicament as VeVe moves in with more rope. VeVe quickly gets the peppy newcomer under control and pulls her into a hogtie.
Sydney squiggles, banters, and complains playfully while in her hogtie, helpless to stop VeVe from adding more securing and decorative ropes. And with Sydney neatly bound, VeVe torments her with teasing and taunting, headscissors, facesitting, and tickling. VeVe finally ball gags her latest captive and the pulls her head back with a hair-rope attached to her ankles. Sydney has no hope of escape... and VeVe enjoys a victory pose! '
Sydney: 5'2" and 160 lbs.
VeVe: 5'4" and 125 lbs.