Bare feet, bikinis, and back-bending holds! VeVe Lane and Lana Luxor are back for a pro-style rematch -- and that means another round of punishment for our dear newcomer! This time, wicked heel VeVe really has it in for Lana, looking to bend her backwards, arching her lower back like a bow and bringing her nice bare feet up toward her head. Spine-breaking torture to come...
After their stare down, VeVe jumps into action and puts Lana through the back-bending wringer. She traps and tortures Lana with the Boston Crab, single crabs, the Bow and Arrow hold (both varieties), the Ceiling Hold (nearly 50 seconds long!), the Camel Clutch, Stretch Muffler, Texas Cloverleaf, Surf Board, Tequila Sunrise, Double Toehold, Sharpshooter, and Step-Over Toehold. VeVe repeats several of the holds, to compound Lana's punishment.
Completely overwhelmed, Lana groans and gasps in VeVe's holds, forced to tap out again and again to each of the back-bending torments. As the match goes on, Lana grows weaker and weaker, until she can barely move. And following a final Boston Crab submission, VeVe celebrates her mean yet undisputed triumph with a victory pose.