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The next rival agent to step up and challenge reigning champ VeVe is Lydia Vengeance, and she comes with a dare for a very special contest. Is VeVe brave or foolish enough to take on Lydia in her own specialty: a facesit smother battle? Of course! The champion never backs down.
The two circle and lock up, and soon they're down on the floor, fingers in each other's hair, in a rolling tangle of limbs. Each struggles to pull free of her enemy's grip and cover her face with tight ass-smothering attacks. Control flashes back and forth, one lady now landing a triumphant, enveloping sit, the other barely managing to gasp her way free.
The action alternates between closely clutching catballing and facesits galore -- primarily classic reverse facesits, but also more dramatic and rare standing and kneeling variations.