Nerdy girls gone wild! Push comes to shove when Nerdy VeVe accuses Nerdy Bella of stealing her notes and cheating in chemistry class. Bella is simply outraged by such slander -- and by VeVe's rough handling -- and so the two lock up and fall to the floor for a fierce and bickering catball fight!
The battling nerdy girls roll across the floor, pressed chest-to-chest, legs tangling and intertwined, hurling insults at each other, pulling hair, clawing at each other's faces, and crying out in frustration.
Amidst their rolling, they both eventually lose their eyeglasses and their outfits become disheveled. Bella also manages to pull off VeVe's shirt and unbind her pigtails, all as VeVe's school girl skirt rides way up. Oh my! And throughout, we get many upskirt views to highlight both ladies' garter belts, stockings, and thongs. A sexily dressed pair of nerdy girls, indeed!
Their legs always interlocked, the ladies battle with a mix of fast and slow rolling, sometimes pausing to smother, claw, or squeeze each other, and always filled with indignant catball rage! At last, VeVe sees her chance and grabs Bella by the throat to seal an undisputed victory. And with her rival down, VeVe victory poses and claims her spot as #1 nerd!