
Men's Furious Catball Fight!
Diablo and Joe
June 2023

Diablo vs Joe

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Diablo and Joe collide and fall to the mats for a furious MvM catball fight! Decked out in only their tight red briefs, the guys press together, chest to chest and crotch to crotch, with legs entangled as they roll across the mats in this dramatic and grueling wrestle-fight!

The guys are expressive and primal, gritting their teeth and growling and groaning with exertion. They primarily use bearhugs, hand smothers, body claws, hair-pulling, beard-grabbing, squeezing, and pinning pressure as they battle it out.

On rare occasions, an opportunity presents itself for a headscissor attack, and both combattants seize that opportunity and lock each other into mutual reverse headscissors as they roll. But they always return to their chest-to-chest, leg-entangled positioning as they continue on.

They fight on and on, getting sweatier and sweatier, and pushing through exhaustion. Neither man will concede, neither man can gain the advantage for long enough; they're just so equally matched! Only a double knockout can put a stop to this battle...

Vigorous fantasy wrestling. The camera shoots from a low angle, giving many views of the guys' bare feet and entangled legs, as well as full body views. *** Fight style emphasizes entangled legs and feet, bodies pressed front-to-front. Stats:  Diablo:  5'6" and 160 lbs. Joe: 5'8" and 160 lbs.

Full Video Duration: 32 minutes

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