VeVe takes on visiting wrestler Mistress Kara from California in this rough and dynamic competitive bout.
Kara is a terror on the mats - powerful and surprisingly fast. VeVe is petite, but a powerhouse in her own right - agile, focused, and highly skilled.
They fight at an exhausting pace, pushing each other's stamina and working hard for submissions. Kara puts her strength advantage to good use, but VeVe holds her own and angles for the perfect moment to strike.
These two tough and tenacious competitors leave it all on the mats in this grueling, sweaty, athletic wrestling battle! Most submissions wins.
VeVe Lane: 5'4" and 120 lbs.
Mistress Kara: 5'7" and 155 lbs.
Includes opening Arm Wrestling match and post-match comments.