VeVe comes home from work, but just as she is settling in to relax, she is jumped by a pair of mysterious, silent zentai people! The zentai people overpower her and wrestle her to the floor, where they proceed to strip her down to her bra and panties. VeVe struggles to escape, but her efforts are useless; the zentai people pin her down and begin their conversion process...
The zentai people work together and force the distressed VeVe into a zentai suit as well, pulling it over her feet, up her body, and then over her face and head. Finally, they zip the neck and seal her inside the shiny blue suit.
Now herself a zentai person, she falls silent and calm as the other zentai people stroke her new, smooth nylon second-skin. She joins the zentai people as they all caress each other and embrace, savoring the smooth sensation of full nylon encasement.